Numerous issues can be responsible for the undesirable situation. In this kind of situation, you can contact a professional electrical expert to fix the problem.
Here are 10 common electrical glitches and the ways to fix them.
- Overloading
Excessive heats from bulbs increase the likelihood of melting the socket and sometimes even wire insulation of the fixture. It can injure the employee while partially damaging the equipment.
Solution: Connect the appropriate bulb to the appropriate fixture.
- Uncovered Junction Box
Junction boxes are used to keep the wires separate from one another. These covers also protect the cables from damage. If the junction box does not have a cover, the risk of electrocution increases.
Solution: Call a professional to cover your junction box.
- Overloaded Circuit Panel
When tandem breakers are installed in a single slot instead of two, the panel is over-circuited. An overloaded circuit breaker panel causes a threat of fire and life.
Solution: A professional electrician installs a sub-panel to improve the panel’s load capacity.
- Electrical Shocks
Sometimes we feel a sudden jerk called electrical shocks when we try to turn on or off a switch. Though its nature is minor but indicates an electrical problem or that the wiring is faulty.
Solution: Try connecting another device and see if the issue persists. If the results are the same, contact an electrician immediately to resolve the issue before anybody gets an injury.
- High Electricity Bills
The primary culprits for high electricity bills are electrical snags and you need to fix them to avoid inconvenience.
- Wiring damage
- Circuitry damage
- Electrical system leakage
- Electrical gadgets
Solution: Reduce the cost of your electricity bills by repairing broken or damaged cables and identifying possible sources of power surges can also reduce electricity bills.
- Frequent Electrical Surges
Faulty electrical wirings cause electrical surges. Common places are
- Home
- Malfunctioning appliances
- Broken power lines
Just a fraction of a second can cost high. However, frequent surges can damage equipment and reduce its life expectancy.
Solution: Disconnect any faulty power supplies or devices from the outlet. If the surges continue, you must contact an electrician.
- Sags and Dips
Sags and dips are serious situations in which electrical equipment connects to a defective or low-quality power grid. When devices linked to ineffective or defective electrical grids are turned on, they use more power than the equipment can handle. As a result, sags, and dips occur.
Solution: If you want to reduce your energy usage, get your power checked and then repair your old equipment or replace it with a new one.
- Ungrounded Connections
Electricity creates a physical connection between the ground and your home’s electrical equipment and appliances.
Solution: Make sure that all electrical connections in your house are grounded with a proper grounding system set up.
- Flickering Lights
Lights flickering can cause lights dimmed otherwise brighter. There might be two reasons behind the situation.
- They either use electricity at a different wattage
- The primary power source is having technical difficulties
Solution: The situation is not dangerous simply change the odd one out for a light of the same wattage.
10- No GFCI
An electrical imbalance between incoming and outgoing currents, a GFCI (ground-fault circuit interrupter) can ‘interrupt’ the circuit. Without a GFCI, electrical wires can overheat leading to burns, shocks, or even an electrical fire.
Solution: The easiest solution is to install a GFCI if you do not already have one.
Stay safe and always fix electrical snags on time.